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Really Big West Indies Mahogany

"Cuban Mahogany"

 Swietenia Mahogoni


Cuba is the central island of the West Indies and therefore West Indies mahogany is commonly called "Cuban" mahogany. It is very different from South American ,"Honduras", "genuine", or big leaf mahogany. (Swietenia macrophylla). It is also very different from "African" mahogany, (Khaya Senegalensis), which is also a true mahogany. Actually this log could be called Key Largo Mahogany since that is where it was living, but to be sure, it is Swietenia Mahogoni, however you look at it.


The Spanish called this wood the "Wood of Kings". When they were first here many old growth trees were taken for use as ships timbers and the making of fine furniture. This wood has a strong tight grain which polishes nicely and takes on a rich cherry color as it ages. Compared to the other true mahogany, Cuban mahogany is heavier with tight interlocking grain, while the South American type has long stringy and open grain. The difference is similar to comparing Ash with Hard Maple. There is really no comparison of the quality of this wood. It is one of the finest woods in the world. This mahogany is a threatened species and cannot be legally traded from Dominica, Haiti, or Cuba. In fact, the only way to get this wood in the Florida Keys is to pick up hurricane damaged trees or trees permitted for removal by the county biologist. Permitted trees require a mitigation fee and replacement of two for one. Key Largo is near the northern most limit of this species range. Normally this species will branch out of the trunk before it reaches 8 to 10 feet of height and so a log over 15 feet is very rare.

Swietenia MahogoniCuban Mahogany

This log was taken from the golf course at the Ocean Reef Club in North Key Largo. It was sawn to lumber October 15, 2003 and stacked to air dry. The log is 15 feet 8 inches long. It is 18 inches diameter at one end and 25 inches at the other end. The wood has dried nicely flat. At the present time, this log is for sale as a whole lot. Cuban Mahogany of this size is very rare and it is commonly valued at $20.00 per board foot or more. The log tallys up to more than 300 BF. It is priced for a quick sale at $4500. (300 BF x $15.00 = $4500.00) as it is, and where it is. Handling and shipping will incur additional charges.


The log was sawn to a generous 4/4 cut at 1 and 1/8, (1.125) thick for the first few cuts. The center cuts were sawn to a generous 5/4 cut at 1 and 3/8 (1.375) thick. Halfway down the log was turned over and sawn again from the top down, leaving an 8/4 board from the center. The edges are left intact or "live" with the lighter color sapwood allowing for a natural design feature in its use.

The Tally is as follows:

     4/4 x 13-16 x 15'6" = 18.00 BF

 8/4 (1.75) x 17-20 x 15'6" = 41.80 BF      

      5/4 x 18-22 x 15'6" = 32.29 BF

  2 pc. - 5/4 x 18-24 x 15'6" = 67.80 BF       

      5/4 x 17-25 x 15'6" = 32.29 BF

         4/4 x 17-25 x 14' = 22.16 BF

      4/4 x 16-25 x 13'6" = 21.37 BF

      4/4 x 16-25 x 11'6" = 18.20 BF

          4/4 x 16-18 x 10' = 14.16 BF

            4/4 x 8+ x 8' + = 5.33 BF

                                                              5/4 x 12 x 10' = 12.5 BF (not counting bad spot)          

             4/4 x 8 x 15'6" = 10.3 BF

                              3 pc. - 4/4 x shorter pieces = 10 BF (not counting sapwood)


TOTAL 306.2 BF


Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars -SOLD


A once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire a truly unique and gorgeous wood.

Would make a very nice conference table, countertop, or bar.


Click here to see what became of this log!


The log goes to Washington DC